Transaction servicing
Our Transaction Servicing module streamlines essential teller operations, ensuring smooth management of deposits, withdrawals, transfers, checks, and regulatory compliance. This enhances efficiency and accuracy, fostering improved customer service and robust financial operations.
Teller Line Check 21
Not every bank will process checks in the US standard of Check21. Choosing this module allows the capture and processing of check images seamlessly (headless) and the overall check processing through the teller application. IT services will provide the creation of a standardized X9 formatted file to be passed to the Financial Institutes Check Aggregator.
Check Issuing
Not every FI will require checks to be printed. So as an option, this module offers the management and processes required to fund and issue checks. Ensuring that the check numbers and accountancy are managed. This drives efficiency in the overall branch and accountancy.
EWS Integration
This module provides the pre-configured integration to EWS systems when dealing with checks. This EWS (Early Warning System) interface allows tellers to be altered to the risk of each check being processed in real time. This module reduces fraud at the time of transactions in a risk based approach. This required the Financial Institution to have a separate contract with their EWS system of choice.
Foreign Exchange
While all Financial Institutions will deal in a base currency, inBranch Transact is configured to be multi-currency. The FX module allows the management of FX currency rules and offers currency exchange transactions for cash and for financial transactions.
Check 21 Imaging
inBranch Imaging is a stand alone product that is sold as a service, or can be installed on a client site. It processes check images on request and return the specific details that are needed to process the check as a Check 21 electronic negotiable instrument. It reads the MICR line, CAR, and LAR at a minimum and return these details to an end user application to process. This module does not communicate to the FED or create X9 files. Other applications such as Remote Deposit Capture applications, online banking, Business Deposit Capture may utilize this service.
The Check 21 Imaging service can be provided internationally. It is offered as a module because a FI may already have this type of technology available/licensed, in which case, inBranch Transact can consume that service.
Extended Transactions
To allow for the Financial Institution to choses only what is needed, this module provides a list of transactions that extend the base module transactions, they include IVT transactions, Western Union, Wire Transfers, Night Deposits, ATM deposits.
While a core application will provide the ability to allow staff to adjust customer accounts to make corrections to transactions, this can also be offered through the Transact application. This allows tellers to select pre-determined adjustments that will map to the correct business rules and GL accountancy which prevents errors and also restrict the access to low level transactions in the core, making the Teller experience more efficient.
Credit Card Management
This module offers pre-built screens that allows the delivery of features around the management of credit card products: viewing of pending transactions, card adjustments, transaction queries. While the module requires integration work to the Financial Institution's respective back end systems, offering this functionality in the teller application improves customer experience and drives staff efficiencies.
Check 21 Alogent Integration
inBranch Transact has been pre integrated into the Alogent Unify product. The screen flows and overall check processes accommodate the Unify integration. This module does not include the Alogent Unify product. Unify will provide Image processing, aggregate all checks across all channels, and communicate with the National state clearing houses as appropriate (FED), and integrate back to the core banking system. If this module is used, there is no requirement to use the Antuar C21 Imaging module option.
Every Financial Institution is required to adhere to a number of regulatory requirements. Cash Transaction Reporting (CTR) is one such requirement. This requirement is fulfilled as an optional module here as some Financial Institutions may have dedicated AML vendor application offerings. However, if this module is required, it records the transactions undertaken per day, and track the running total against associated SSNs for benefactors and transactors. If the configured daily transaction limit is breached, then the teller is prompted to fill in the online CTR form. This CTR form is pre-filled with the details of the customers and the transactions. This approach greatly reduce the amount of overhead on the Teller to manually capture the related details. The CTR form details are exported to your vendor of choice at the end of day.
Safe Deposit
This module allows for the management of Safe Deposit Boxes in the branch. It can create contracts, set up payments, fees, and track each visit to the SDB.
Special Savings
This module offers the ability to deal with special savings products that will have different business rules to the typical checking/current and savings accounts. In particular, this module offers the ability to deal with HSA and IRA accounts and withdrawals from CDs.
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