Sep 8, 2021
News & Updates
Technisys, GRG & Antuar Join Forces at Money2020 to Demo x3 Branch Innovation Solutions
Follow us on Twitter @GearoidPower or over on Linkedin here to coordinate demos (and drinks).
Technisys is the next-gen digital and core banking platform that redefines the customer experience, in partnership with GRG and Antuar, a financial technology company focused on branch innovation, they will appear at Money2020 to demonstrate:
How the Cloud gets physical
Mobile only at the ITM for cash in hand
Value of Antuar’s Full Service Teller software solution
Cloud goes phygital
There is a physical link between the customer and their in-cloud banking solution using a combination of:
Technisys phone applications and core system,
Antuar's inBranch product software,
and GRG ITM hardware to see round tripping of physical transactions throughout the Technisys platform.
Mobile-only to access your cash
Stage a transaction from your mobile device, and execute it at the Antuar software driven ITM to receive physical cash in your hand.
Hands-Off banking
Financial Institutions that have strategically placed high street locations to drive customer value will be able to experience how Antuar solutions in conjunction with Technisys Cloud banking solutions, can deliver high meaningful customer interactions. We will demonstrate the interfacing from Technisys phone application with Antuar software driving the GRG ITM hardware to perform more physical based financial transactions with minimal contact to the ITM.
Follow us on Twitter @GearoidPower or over on Linkedin here to coordinate demos (and drinks).
Who is Attending Money 2020?