Apr 19, 2018

Case study

Branch Transformation; change after change, made easy.

No doubt you've been there, more than you care to admit.

Strategy is set. Roll out now in place.

Reality hits. Now change is afoot.

When you are rolling out Branch Transformation across multiple branches, regardless of how many pilot programs and tests carried out, change, more often than not, tends to find its way in.

We lived it. We learned it. We built a solution for it.

Antuar’s inBranch software allows you to adapt your branch requirements as the need arises. We may have gone a step further and ensured that you can change your branch configuration system so it can cater for multiple configurations, simultaneously.

What does that mean for you, the Financial Institution managing your (ongoing) Branch Transformation?

In a word?

In a few words?
Multiple combinations

A few more practical examples of how easy it is to facilitate change, include:

To have your staff as cashless tellers, to use cash drawer users, to integrate with cash recyclers, OR any combination within the one branch, or give them the choice; choose wired or wireless teller stations; choose tablets or PC, or choose both; choose to provide customer kiosks or not; choose the currencies you want and the languages your customers want.

Business in the front, party in the back?

inBranch is a tool that can be used both at the front- and back-office, providing a customer centric view to the staff, with controlled access through Role Based Access Control; It even allows access to customers through an assisted-self-service kiosk. It integrates to your origination processes and Customer Requests and ensures there is a continuity of service between channels for the customer (Omni Channel).

Oh Captain, my captain, you are in control.

With inBranch: YOU decide what configuration that you want in each branch; YOU decide who has what capability; YOU decide what messages should be displayed to your staff members; YOU configure the sales scripts and the rules for including customers in campaigns; YOU can act on the real time Business Intelligence.

YOU can take control of your Branch Offering and in turn your Customer offering.