Jul 30, 2018
[VIDEO] Antuar Mini Conf'18 | Afternoon Panel
The following is a brief summary of the Afternoon Panel at Mini Conf' 18 in Salt Lake City, March past.
A link to the video of that Morning Panel on the same day can be found here.
During the Q&A portion the panel were asked the following question:
How do credit unions provide personal experiences while using technology?
Below is a summary of the key responses from the panel.
Teachable moments between staff and customers

Jeremy Deamer of America First Credit Union stressed that adding new technology doesn’t eradicate the full-service experience. This can still exist through assisting customers if they need it. This is done by walking them through the whole process and teaching them at the same time. The benefit of this is the customer-staff experience of doing something together. The customer will leave feeling adequately served and will have learned how to use the technology too.
Lean on experts
Lili Cooper of Glory Global Solutions reminded us that trying to figure everything out by yourself sometimes isn’t the best use of your time. If there are opportunities to leverage the experience and expertise of others then we must explore them.
Train your staff to train your people

Similar to Danny Tang's statement on having a good staffing model, Lili Cooper reinforced that properly trained staff make all the difference - we couldn't help but think she was speaking from a whole lot of first hand experience. The idea is that if they are confident with the new technology, they can confidently educate customers on how to use it. If they are able to do this then the Branch Transformation becomes seamless.