Jul 28, 2021
[PODCAST] Finfluenced by Technisys, with Gearóid Power, CEO Antuar
“phyigital” was the focus for this episode of FinFluenced by Technisys
We recently partnered with Technisys to enable more financial institutions to innovate the branch network through our suite of inBranch products and software that reduces operational costs, while increasing revenue.
Antuar’s products enable FIs to deliver on their promise of good customer service and great customer experience at the branch.
Technisys invited Antuar onto their show to discuss the evolution of the bank branch and the importance of the convergence of the physical and digital to create seamless customer experiences.
Gearóid is solution and delivery focused, analytically driven with an interest in getting things right while not losing sight of time lines and deliverables. Having worked in the financial arena for more than 20 years in many senior roles, adapting to the needs of projects, that experience is brought to bear on Antuar’s in branch suite of products.
We hope you enjoy the episode and if you’re interested in learning more about how the Technisys and Antuar partnership can benefit your organization, you can request a demo.
Watch here: