Oct 9, 2021


Functionality Delivered In a 3-Month Project

Assumption is that the hardware chosen is one that Antuar's pre-integrated with.
Pre-Integrated on Jack Henry Silverlake, Antuar can have your bank live in 3 months with the following functionality.

This is a list of the features available in the Antuar inBranch Kiosk that are pre-integrated Silverlake 2021. One application is being offered as part of this document proposal. This can be extended as part of a project.

  1. General
  • Retrieve client information (personal and account)

  • Print receipts

  • Capture ID - need to check is this is available on the Selected ITM.

  • Capture client picture (fraud prevention)

  • CTR details capture.

  • Automatically create under / overs (reconciliation)

  1. Client transactions
  • Deposit cash and/or check.

  • Deposit check with cash back *

  • Withdrawal to cash

  • Loan Payment

  • Transfer between clients’ accounts

  • Cash check ^

  • Cash exchange

  • View transaction history

  1. Non-Client Transactions
  • Non-Client deposit (cash, checks)

  • Non-Client Cash on-us check ^

  1. Administrative
  • Configure transaction limits (hard limit and escalation to Concierge)

  • Configure check rules (black-lists, holds, on us routing)

  • Add new ITMs to the branch network.

  • Managing Kiosks on network

  • Managing functionality on individual kiosks

  • Manage transaction fees.

  • Manage marketing material (receipt messages, attract loops)

  1. Concierge (Tablet) application to
  • Authenticate Staff on Concierge tablet using Active Directory

  • Authenticate client by “One Time Password”.

  • View client details

  • View account details and history

  • Approve transactions escalated by business rules in real time.

  • View electronic journal transactions performed through inBranch Kiosk.

  • View Kiosk exceptions (hardware and business

  • Manage client session on Kiosks.

  • Manage and monitor the devices and hardware.

  • Manage and monitor cash position.

  • Transfer cash to/from ITM to vault

  • Audit machine

  • Generate reports (as defined by the default reports process)

  • Basic video link between ITM and Concierge interface (e.g. drive up)

The above functionality will be integrated into the financial institutions’ environment, and the look and feel of the application will be updated to the brand details provided.

The following Additional functionality is available but may not be included in the 3 month timeline.

  1. Client Authentication using:

Bank card: functionality can also include EPP/PIN Pad key encryption and key management.
Mobile phone application Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Online banking credentials
Facial recognition

  1. Authenticating Staff using a means other than LDAP / Active Directory

  2. Extended Video management: Antuar recommends using a POPio as it can be leveraged to provide reports, queue management and further digital engagement with the clients.

  3. Check printing to a dedicated check printer in the branch (not in ITM) managed through the Concierge application.

  4. Additional Customer Engagement information and/or integration to your CRM

  5. Sales Scripts

  6. Interactions/Service Request history

  7. Appointment Management

  8. Advance line of credit

  9. 3rd party card transactions /Credit Card Advance: this will require integration to the ATM Acquirer network: Antuar recommends using InterPro to act as a bridge between the branch network and the Acquirer network.

  10. Interfacing with specific FED connected Check21 aggregation tool

  11. Optional Interfacing to Check21 image processor of your choice: by default Antuar will use an OEM solution provided by Parascript, if you have a solution that is already implemented that you prefer to be used, this can be done

  12. Pre-staged transactions

  13. Loan payment Settlements

  14. Utility payments

  15. Biometrics/facial recognition